Blog Comments

  1. Jakeonthekob's Avatar
    Wow, sorry I never responded to you guys. To greg, we already worked something out, and to Tom, I went with 1000 grit to get rid of the double bevel, then switched to 4000 grit. It takes a lot of time, as you probably know =) I just did the zig-zag method of sharpening, as I find it's the best way to get an even surface and geometry.
  2. TomK's Avatar
    good job on that man. so did you use only a 4000 grit stone or did you work your way up to it through several different grades of stone first? care to elaborate on your method? I'm always looking for tips and tricks on sharpening.
  3. Es Jayen's Avatar
    Nice post Jake. thanks for sharing.
  4. Es Jayen's Avatar
    Jeez man that thing is scary sharp. How much to get my yuki in that kind of shape?
  5. Es Jayen's Avatar
    The 1,000 cuts is good training but man it sucks.
  6. Jakeonthekob's Avatar
    Thanks guys!
  7. O.T.'s Avatar
    beautiful work, mayne.
  8. glenntherookie's Avatar
    great work...finish that kat already.=P
  9. glenntherookie's Avatar
    Don't sweat it, you have your bad days and so do I. Today, we were just off, but that is reason enough to prepare for the next session.
  10. Jakeonthekob's Avatar
    It took about 4 months for me to get the sword. I did the katatemaki wrap myself. It has a a nice notare hamon though. You'll see when we cut saturday. Thing is the fittings, I don't like too much... but it's a production blade so can't expect too much. lucky I didn't order a sword from the forge SBG uses or else I'd be in a pickle.
  11. glenntherookie's Avatar
    bet you can't wait to test w/ it. it looks like a great custom. how long did you have to wait to get it from sbg? i like the white/black theme w/ battlewrap tsuka. beautiful sword.