Recent Blogs Posts

  1. How Sharp is too sharp?

    Everyone likes sharp swords! Everyone wants their sword even sharper! The sharper the sword, the better it cuts! Razor sharp!

    ...Something that so many people overlook is the fact that a blade CAN be too sharp. The key in making a sword that will last is having an edge geometry that is sharp, but not too sharp. It needs reinforcement. Sure, a razor blade can cut something soft with a lot less effort than an axe, but if you take into account that not everything that is cut is soft, ...
  2. Hamon Width and Breaking?

    Okay, so I was doing some research a while ago and ran across an article. I just remembered it and managed to find it again, and it continues to press buttons and flip switches in my mind. It relays in some detail some of the findings of a man named Suishinshi Masahide. He is known as THE sword smith who brought around the Shinshinto period of sword making. Rather than focusing on the wide, pretty, flashy hamon that many liked during the earlier Edo period, he re-invented his sword smithing to focus ...