All Blog Entries

  1. Preparing for a Real Workout

    As fun as swinging a sword against bottles, jugs and when available, mats is, physical training is a very important variable when trying to improve. Getting your muscles to do what your mind intends it to do is not always easy. Preparing w/ proper stretching and breathing, a real gameplan in your training regimen and not giving up the minute fatigue sets in is just as important as the technique is. Just my thoughts.
  2. New Year

    This will be the first year I have started with clear goals in mind for my training. Since there are no avenues here for me to train under a teacher, I rely on my friends from afar to help me improve. This has become more than just a hobby for me. It has become a way for me to improve myself both mentally and physically. (Safety is always foremost in my mind.) It really is a super feeling to look back to when I started cutting ( about a year ago ) and where I am now. I am close to grasping the basic ...
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