All Blog Entries

  1. Tsukamaki on my katsumoto katana

    Tsukamaki is very time consuming and if you want to get very even diamonds with hishigami etc. then it can take 2 or more hours not to mention sore fingers the day after. However, I like doing tsukamaki, and will be working on katatemaki wrap as soon as I get more ito for my katsumoto katana. It's pretty weird because I have never used anything other that silk ito (lol) but even though pricey, I think that the end job is worth it.
  2. The Joy of Rolling Targets

    I just love to roll myself some mats. I just realized how much I do just now. The feeling I get when I get home w/ my bundle of new, still in their wrapper tatami candy that when you open the seam, that whiff of brand new omote just begs you to take a bite. Well not really a bite, but definately begs for your affection.

    I really like the time I get to roll mats for targets. It gives me a sense of satisfaction unlike any other. Knowing the fact that after that last one that is rolled,it ...

    Updated 08-05-2010 at 06:26 PM by glenntherookie

    Training Log
  3. Free Style Backyard Cutting

    * For me free style cutting is defined by its intent, which is simply the control of your target with a bladed weapon. The intention is not for me to learn the techniques of swordsmanship to survive a battle. It is not to fulfill a fantasy of being an ancient warrior. Neither is it to replicate the moves from my favorite video game character. Instead, my intention is to control either the mat or the bottle I am cutting with complete confidence (a goal in which I am very far from completing). ...
    Training Log
  4. Double Cuts and Accuracy Tests

    Hey Good people, Glenn the Rookie here. Back with another tale of slicing and dicing w/ your favorite cutting medium. This past weekend has had some pretty interesting turns. Had problems w/ my computer, my camera, even my new stands. But first. Let me say that all was still a great time when it came to the cutting. I had just finished my 3 sword comparison test and was going to do alittle free training w/ some extra mats and pieces from the earlier test cut. I had invited my first guest to cut ...

    Updated 08-26-2010 at 05:31 PM by glenntherookie

  5. Munetoshi 3 sword comparison test cut

    This weekend, I test cut 3 different blade geometries suitable for heavy to light target cutting. A medium niku sword w/ no bohi (Enkai), a light niku sword w/ bohi (Akitsushima) and a light niku sword w/ no bohi (Light Cutter). Mats courtesy of Swords by Munetoshi.

    See you at the next test.

    Updated 08-03-2010 at 12:04 AM by glenntherookie

    Training Log
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