
Waiting for swords is horrendously agonizing.

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Waiting sucks. I have a sword on the way, in the mail, and I got it with a tracking number. The thing about the tracking number...it's been four days since the last update, which says that it's been accepted at the senders post off ice. ...That's it. From four days ago. FOUR DAYS! It's driving me nuts! I mean, come on, USPS! Throw me a bone, here!

Really, though...I suppose it's not their fault. They're busy and all, so I have to give them some slack...but still. It sucks. I don't have enough patience for this waiting stuff.

It's a big sword, too. One my size, which is rare to find without going custom. I'd like to go custom, soon, but I don't think I could at this point in time. Spending $120 a week in gas makes things tight.

I need my sword and a smaller car.

Maybe a Z. I miss my Z. I want a 280 ZX painted like a sword.

I'll put the sword in the car, and it will be a huge sword in a little car.

A little car that gets TRIPLE the MPG I'm getting now.

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  1. 's Avatar
    No, you're not a dork. You're an UBERDORK! XD