
Doubling it up and just training more

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Hey everyone. If you saw the squads most recent video then you would see that I almost landed a double cut (something I previously thought impossible for me). I was fairly close, i took the very tip of the mat off but that really doesnt count . Since I was so close I know that I can do it by using something that quite a few backyard cutters forget about.

Training. Not necessarily formal training either. Im talking about drilling the movement over and over again with the bokken or iato until they become second nature. Even if you dont formally train you can still practice the movements without targets infront off you. That way when it comes time to cut your movements will be much easier because you have practiced them in a safe environment. Another member of the squad and I were discussing this. So if I train hard at home then I think the double will be mine next session. Take care cutters and keep training.

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  1. jonislow's Avatar
    Very good advice, I'm going to try it out myself. It's all about that muscle memory. I do believe that you will be able to pull off a double, probably before me!