
The Joy of Rolling Targets

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I just love to roll myself some mats. I just realized how much I do just now. The feeling I get when I get home w/ my bundle of new, still in their wrapper tatami candy that when you open the seam, that whiff of brand new omote just begs you to take a bite. Well not really a bite, but definately begs for your affection.

I really like the time I get to roll mats for targets. It gives me a sense of satisfaction unlike any other. Knowing the fact that after that last one that is rolled,it is getting me closer to my ultimate goal, which is to cut them up. The time I have to show my love and affection to the mats is very evident. It also gives me a theraputic feeling. The concentration and focus to every mat rolled is my time w/ each and everyone of them.

Most people that cut may not feel this same way that I do to rolling. Some may even think it is a chore or a burden. But not me. Every time I get to roll, I know it is going to be that much closer to practice and training. I actually look forward to the times I get to roll. I know in my heart that even the mats are happy. Not because they are going to be destroyed in any way, although they are not going to be whole ever again. But the fact that everyone of them are once again helping me better myself in training and allowing me to reach my goals, one mat at a time. For this reason, I will never take for granted what they do for me.

And so, Because I know that our time is short together, I try to make them as comfortable as possible. When I bathe them, I make sure to give them clean water and also make sure to drain the old, stale water throughout their soak, always resoaking w/ fresh water, periodically. And after 3 days of soaking(some people soak less days, some soak more) I take them out of their baths and prepare them for their inevidable end. But it really is just a beginning. For you see, the mats now have a job to do. To tell me what I am doing right and wrong. And as long as I took good care of them through the rolling and soaking process, they will tell me everything I need to know to better myself as a cutter. What is great about them is that they never lie. It is an honest relationship, even as short as it is. I try to remember this every time I cut. And because of this, to the very end, they have my full respect.

I love rolling mats very much. Just as much as I like cutting mats. But that is another love affair tale for another day.

Till next time, always remember your mats and what they do for you. Always selfless, but always wanting our attention.

Glenn the Rookie

Updated 08-05-2010 at 06:26 PM by glenntherookie

Training Log


  1. Es Jayen's Avatar
    Nice blog Glenn. I do look at rolling mats as a chore but I think you are right that it should not be. It should be preparation for training.
  2. glenntherookie's Avatar
    the preparation is the real joy, and I get to spend some quality time w/ my babies.LOL.
  3. iDragon's Avatar
    Since you treated them well, your babies will sit there longer and allow you to chop them one more time! or maybe 2 more...LOL!
  4. glenntherookie's Avatar
    its a honorable death, with their passing comes enlightenment and and the best part is that they have alot of brothers and sisters.LOL.=)