
Distraction Vs Focus

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There are some things that really try to distract me while training. It seems like every time I am ready to train, there's some moron right around the house cranking up a leafblower or a lawnmower. It sounds like the noise Jim Carrey makes in Dumb and Dumber. Drives me nuts. I'm not zen'd up enough to 'just ignore it' and most times I just stop in frustration and go inside to wait. I tried using headphones once, but I didn't think it was safe due to the fact that someone could come up from behind and I wouldn't hear them.
It's never a good idea to train when irritated or mad, but it seems like there's a conspiracy in my hood to interrupt my training. I know that I'm supposed to block everything out and focus on what I'm doing, but that noise drives me nuts! I try to get up early to train, but it's getting too cold to do that. I just thought I'd vent for a moment and get that off of my chest.

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  1. glenntherookie's Avatar
    life is not a distraction, things get in the way of our goals, but we learn to go around them and not let them stop our determination. remember, this culture is not our lives, it is supplimental to our growth and knowledge of the world and life in general. don't do something if it turns out to amount to nothing. only the individual will know whats best for themselves.
  2. O.T.'s Avatar
    Dang, you went all Plato on a brother! LOL. I was just venting about noise, not life. I never do anything that amounts to nothing ( unless I'm doing nothing on purpose ). I overstand what you sayin', though. Respect due.
  3. glenntherookie's Avatar
    who's plato?lol
  4. Jakeonthekob's Avatar
    We all gotta let something off our chest every once in a while lol. But whether we let that hold us down or not sets the bar for the next hurdle =) would Socrates say something like that?
  5. Es Jayen's Avatar
    Well looks like everyone already covered the great western philosophers, so let me get all zen. When I have noises that are distracting I concentrate on the noise. For some reason this seems to center me. I clear my mind of everything else but that noise, even if it is a leaf blower or a siren.
  6. O.T.'s Avatar
    Never thought of concentrating on the noise. I think that's a good idea. Thanks.