
Practice sharpening with new 4000 grit waterstone

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Hey guys, just practicing sharpening knives, and boy is this one sharp! Take a look, I don't even have to really move it too much to just slice through some newspaper. Gotta make my Katana as sharp as this!

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  1. Es Jayen's Avatar
    Jeez man that thing is scary sharp. How much to get my yuki in that kind of shape?
  2. TomK's Avatar
    good job on that man. so did you use only a 4000 grit stone or did you work your way up to it through several different grades of stone first? care to elaborate on your method? I'm always looking for tips and tricks on sharpening.
  3. Jakeonthekob's Avatar
    Wow, sorry I never responded to you guys. To greg, we already worked something out, and to Tom, I went with 1000 grit to get rid of the double bevel, then switched to 4000 grit. It takes a lot of time, as you probably know =) I just did the zig-zag method of sharpening, as I find it's the best way to get an even surface and geometry.