
New Year

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This will be the first year I have started with clear goals in mind for my training. Since there are no avenues here for me to train under a teacher, I rely on my friends from afar to help me improve. This has become more than just a hobby for me. It has become a way for me to improve myself both mentally and physically. (Safety is always foremost in my mind.) It really is a super feeling to look back to when I started cutting ( about a year ago ) and where I am now. I am close to grasping the basic skills needed and with practice, motivation and encouragement from my friends, this will be a very enjoyable journey for me. Thanks and respect to all those who have helped me and continue to do so. I salute you all!
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  1. Es Jayen's Avatar
    There are a lot of times that Glenn and I both amazed at how far you have come in such a short time. You should feel good about your progress. Of course this is just the beginning for all of us.
  2. garbarian's Avatar
    Excellent thoughts my friend. It is an interesting ride and I to have found my friends and contacts to be inspirational, informative and supportive. Best to all in the coming year.