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    Talking Welcome! Please Read: Rules and Regulations

    Greetings and salutations! Thank you for joining the SwordBlog Forums. Please read through our Rules and Regulations before posting. This will help keep our forums clean and well organized, and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.

    Please read through and follow these rules during your stay. Have fun! ^_^

    Rules and Regulations

    Be civil! Disagreements are fine, but if they turn into severe arguments, then we will have problems. Do not directly attack another member, be courteous. If you do have a problem with another member, take care of it in private and keep the boards clean.

    Post Content:
    Do not post anything that could be mistaken as inflammatory unless you are prepared for the consequences. Do not post any pornographic or illegal materials. Please do not discuss politics or religion. Stay on topic, and keep the topics clean. If AT ALL humanly possible, check foul language at the door.

    Number of Accounts:
    Please limit yourself to only one account per person. As some people will try to create multiple accounts to get around bans, flame, and just be plain ol' bad, this rule has to be in place. No exceptions.

    Please refrain from using overly offensive account names on these forums.

    A "Troll" is a person who may post inflammatory comments or images specifically to create a tense, violent, or otherwise uncomfortable environment. Three strikes does not apply. Should a Moderator/Administrator deem a member a "Troll", said member will be deleted with no warning. There are no exceptions. Flame wars will not be tolerated.

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    The views expressed in the SwordBlog Forums by forum members are not the views of SwordBlog and those managing SwordBlog (To be called as SwordBlog collectively) and it's fora. SwordBlog is not responsible for the actions of the forum members, nor is it responsible for the actions of visitors who read these forums. The actions of individuals, regardless of whether or not the actions have been discussed on SwordBlog or it's forums, are the responsibility of the individual performing the actions.

    SwordBlog and it's moderators/administrators reserve the right to move, remove, or otherwise modify posts and member status at the mod./admin. discretion.

    Posts and threads made by SwordBlog Forum users are the property of SwordBlog and SwordBlog reserves the right to moderate, remove, or save any threads or portions of threads contained within these forums.
    Last edited by Kawakami; 01-18-2010 at 03:32 PM.

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